Day 00: Some good Information

These are some useful links that show briefs and previous projects of One Tree:

Workshop 02: One Tree 2013 Brief:

*there will be update on this blog as the time/project location are wrong

Article 25: Sierra Leone – One Tree 2011:

One Tree 2012 Blog:

Day 00: Start your Engine guys!


We are Workshop 2 / One Tree work group for Construction Week 2013 – University of East London.


Our team will be guide by Alex Ragovskis + Yara Pavel + Victoria Mitchell.

Our group members:

Zelin Huang + Azrul Haqimi Othman + Daniel Culqui + Tomohiro Himeno + Shazrin Aiman Suhaimi + Ravjeet Singh Virdee


Bridge for Shave Wood.

Our task is to construct a useable crossing over the gully; using only nearby timber and other natural resources. We also need to clear the gully bottom nearby and clean all the waste to habitat the piles (dead hedge) along the boundary.


We start our group discussion today at AVA (original plan are library, but we don’t know why it is closed today). We met each other, exchanging contact details, create Facebook group (for exchanging data/information) and brainstorming about the project.

We discussed basic concepts and ideas to be develop soon.  The ideas will be developing in sketches and 3D model as well. We also decided to create some mock-up models to show the form and joints so we can create/design the units of the modular before we go into the woods.

There still lots of question to be answered by Alex and Jonathan about the timelines and the brief itself tomorrow on the Workshop induction day (Monday 23/09/2013).
